Website News - WW2 British Uniform & Webbing Collection Just In

Website News - WW2 British Uniform & Webbing Collection Just In

Chris Pollendine collection -

We are currently in the process of listing a large collection of WW2 British uniforms & webbing equipment from acknowledged collector & expert Chris Pollendine who is a main contributor to the superb webbing equipment website 'Karkeeweb' on which many of the equipment items can be seen. He is also author of the unrivalled WW1 reference books 'Campaign 1914' & 'Campaign 1915' .

WW1 MILITARIA - Meanwhile, we have other fresh stock including more WW1 items which will be listed in due course.

POSTING - is going out every day to keep up with demand however overseas commitments & the current postal strikes may result in minor delays for which we apologise.

Stay safe & best regards for now ,

Chris S

Code: 12731
