WW1 British Royal Fusiliers Trench Cap
A fine example of the late WW1 pattern of British soldiers field trench cap badged to the Royal Fusiliers .
In very good service worn condition this pattern of cap was widely seen in the late war period & due to its lightweight construction could be easily stowed away in the soldiers kit when not being worn.
Its lining is intact with number over letter WD stamp & maker stamp wi... read more
425.00 GBP
WW1 British '03 Pattern Entrenching Tool & Holder
A rare WW1 British 1903 Pattern Entrenching Tool Head Carrier for Territorial Infantry Units still retaining its original entrenching tool head.
For Regular Army British Infantry, the 1903 Pattern Leather Equipment was superseded in 1908 by the Webbing Equipment introduced of that year. Territorial Army Infantry units ,however, continued using 1903 Pattern Leather Equipment right up to 1... read more
650.00 GBP
WW2 British 'MINES' Warning Sign
Rare sign which is a remnant from the Allied invasion of Europe & used by Royal Engineers during mine clearance .
Sign is stencilled 'MINES ' referring to the presence of mines. In the standard wartime stencilled format on sheet metal which is ridged at the edges for strength this sign is typical of those used in the immediate D-Day period when Allied troops were moving inland.
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350.00 GBP
WW1 French M15 Adrian Infantry Helmet
WW1 French infantry M15 Adrian helmet complete with liner & original chinstrap.
Helmet has flaming grenade badge of infantry troops , motorised machine gun troops etc & is finished in the darker blue seen from 1916 onwards. Interior has second pattern liner complete with tightening lace & corrugated ventilation strips in between the liner & the band. read more
245.00 GBP
'Patrolling' - Battlecraft & Battle Drill Home Guard Instruction 1943
In very good condition. read more
25.00 GBP
WW1 French 'Battle of the Marne' 74th Inf.Regt M1884 Kepi & M1879 Tunic- 1914
A WW1 French infantry other ranks kepi of the 74th infantry division with matching regimentally numbered infantry tunic of the M1879 pattern.
This uniform although originating from the 1880 period was the pattern still being worn during the early frontier battles of 1914 against the invading German army. The kepi is a wonderful battle worn 'been there ' piece still encrusted with sweat ... read more
1450.00 GBP
WW2 British '37 Pattern Labelled Battledress Trousers
An excellent pair of the '37 pattern battledress trousers complete with the often removed ankle button tabs & clothing label to waist.
These trousers have all of their brass dished buttons to front fly / waistband & ankle tabs with four upward buttoned belt loops . Label gives these as a size 12 ( See image ) . There is a date on the label however it was ink stamped on & blurred at its ... read more
375.00 GBP
WW2 French Colonial Infantry Troops Adrian Helmet
A WW2 issue French Adrian helmet of the M26 model with badge to front of the Colonial infantry.
These troops originating from the French Colonial Empire were in action during the 1940 Battle For France & played an important part in the wartime history of French military forces. Helmet is of the M26 model , standard issue to French troops in the early stages of WW2 &retains much of its ... read more
225.00 GBP
WW2 Canadian Fork - Canadian Military Marked
A fork marked with Canadian arrow within C ordnance marking as used in the field as part of the soldiers messkit. read more
40.00 GBP