WW1 German M17 Camouflage Helmet
A WW1 German M17 helmet with handpainted three tone camouflage scheme showing the thick black dividing lines as per Ludendorffs 1918 directive.
A helmet that demonstrates well the segmenting of each colour it is uncommon to find an example where the black dividing lines of each segment are so thick & distinct. The classic colours of tan ochre , forest green & brown have been used with a... read more
1450.00 GBP
WW2 British Chief Air Raid Wardens Helmet 1939
A wonderful ''Timecapsule' piece of London Blitz history ! This WW2 Home Front Chief Wardens helmet has senior rank double black stripes with 'W' to front & back.
I offer this helmet completely uncleaned & as found with years of dirt & grime buildup over its white painted finish . This helmet shows wear & must have seen much devastation in the aftermath of the London bombing raids.
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275.00 GBP
1982 Falklands War Argentinian Camouflage Helmet With Goggles
A fantastic bringback Falklands helmet of the Argentinian Marines with heavily weathered & faded camouflage cover , rubber band & goggles.
As is generally well known the Argentinians used alot of American surplus materials this helmet being such an example with refurbishment to liner & high chinstrap bales. Camouflage cover has been purpose made & shows much weathering with imprinting o... read more
875.00 GBP
WW1 French USA Post Home Helmet To Phoenix, Arizona
Interesting M15 French Adrian helmet that has name & details of a US serviceman who has posted it back to a Phoenix address from 'D.ROBBINS ,USS Carola , Brest , France' in the WW2 period. Helmet has the flaming grenade of infantry , cavalry etc. Liner untouched & of multi construction seen as of 1916. Address sent to back in the USA is ' Mrs F.ROBBINS, 1307, N Central Avenue . Phoenix, Arizon... read more
400.00 GBP
WW1 German Camouflage Helmet Shell
A stunning WW1 German camouflage helmet shell with finger thick black dividing lines between each segment adhering to the Ludendorff directive of 1918 .
Helmet is handpainted in classic tan ochre , dark brown & light green with the definitive black dividing lines immediately apparent . Many variants of camouflage schemes , colours & thickness of the black lines exist with this piece hav... read more
750.00 GBP
WW1 French 'Special Artillery' Tankers Adrian Helmet
A rare WW1 Adrian helmet converted for use by Armoured Vehicle troops known as ' Special Artillery'.
When France first started using Armoured vehicles in the latter WW1 period they acknowledged that a steel helmet would be required by the crews if engaged in combat outside the tank. A specific helmet did not actually enter service until 1919 however tank units were already making modifi... read more
675.00 GBP
WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet
An excellent large sized WW1 German helmet displaying the classic three colour camouflage scheme of tan ochre, dark brown & green.
All colour segments are edged with thick black dividing lines as per Ludendorffs orders , this making a very effective pattern for the trench wear of WW1. A small shrapnel hole can be seen in the top of the helmet having entered from the top & gone down into... read more
1375.00 GBP
WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet Named To A Leutnant
A fabulous Leutnant named German M16 camouflage helmet with a striking handpainted three tone swirl camouflage scheme to its exterior.
Finished in tan ochre , forest green & brown the scheme has been applied with each segment seperated by thick black dividing lines these sweeping down & around the helmets entirety to great effect. All three of the helmets liner pins remain intact & unint... read more
1375.00 GBP
WW1 German Camouflage Helmet With Severe Battle Damage
A WW1 German camouflage helmet that has received severe battle damage from machine gun , rifle or shrapnel hits.
Painted in a classic camouflage scheme of the period this still remains much evident with all the wear of a heavily trench worn combat helmet evident throughout. The leather liner is not present in this helmet most likely removed by the original person who picked it up from th... read more
1850.00 GBP
Bullet Holed ( Entry & Exit ) 1982 Falklands War Argentinian Netted Camouflage Helmet
A bullet impact & exit damaged camouflage netted Argentinian combat helmet from the Falklands campaign with rosary beads from the personal possessions of an Argentinian soldier.
This iconic combat helmet shows a bullet entry point to the front crown area with a larger exit hole to the rear from the same round. It is quite evident that upon entry & exit it has severed a portion of the str... read more
950.00 GBP