The Hitler Phenomenon, H.Picker,H.Hoffman,J Von Lang
233 page publication being an intimate portrait of Hitler & his entourage with photographs by his personal photographer, Heinrich Hoffman. Hardback with dust jacket. read more
14.00 GBP
Rommel, Charles Douglas-Home
224 page hardback book on Rommel . Many photographs & chapters on 'The Desert Fox' including an interesting write up on his last hours.
Dust jacket complete. read more
German Armoured Cars of World War Two
128 paged hardcovered book on German AFVs of WW2 .Packed with b & w photographs & information, a superb reference on the subject.
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Kampf und Untergang Der Deutschen Panzertruppe 1939-1945, H .Scheibert
Podzun Verlag pictorial history of the German Panzer forces in WW2 by the German Panzer of the era Horst Scheibert.
302 pages of reference & b & w photographs. Hardback & dust jacket. read more
22.00 GBP
Deutsche Pionere 1939-1945 K.Vowinckel
1970 publication printed in German on the German Pioneers ( Engineers ) with 238 pages packed full of b & w photographs & information. Hardback cover with dustjacket.
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Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine Im Kampf 1939-1945 Bodo Herzog
Excellent Podzun Verlag photographic work on the German Naval Forces in WW2 with 245 pages of photographs & information . Hardback with dust jacket. read more
18.00 GBP
Die 6.Panzer Division 1937-1945, H Scheibert
1975 Podzun Verlag publication on the 6.Panzer Division by H.Scheibert with many b & w photographs of personalities, troops & panzers in Poland,France,Russia Etc.
Hardback with dust jacket. read more
30.00 GBP
Die 9.Panzer Division 1939-1945 Carl Hans Hermann
Early Podzun Verlag publication on the 9.Panzer Division by Carl Hans Hermann with many b & w photographs of Panzers & their troops in rest & action etc. Superb reference as all Podzun Verlags. .
175 paged hardbacked cover & dust jacket. read more
Fallschirmjager Bildband Und Chronik 1939-1945 R.Bohmer & W.Haupt
1971 German Verlag publication being in German with English translation of the German Fallschirmjager in all theatres with 280 pages of b & w photographs & reference. Hardback cover with dust jacket. read more
German Military Uniforms & Insignia 1933-1945, We 1967
Early useful reference book on the uniforms & insignia of the German forces in WW2 .Very comprehensively packed full of line drawings of uniforms, badges ( trade , rank etc ) headgear etc. 227 pages total.
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