1018 items found
The Hitler Phenomenon,  H.Picker,H.Hoffman,J Von Lang

The Hitler Phenomenon, H.Picker,H.Hoffman,J Von Lang

233 page publication being an intimate portrait of Hitler & his entourage with photographs by his personal photographer, Heinrich Hoffman. Hardback with dust jacket.  read more

Code: 1752

14.00 GBP

Rommel, Charles Douglas-Home

Rommel, Charles Douglas-Home

224 page hardback book on Rommel . Many photographs & chapters on 'The Desert Fox' including an interesting write up on his last hours.
Dust jacket complete.  read more

Code: 1751


German Armoured Cars of World War Two

German Armoured Cars of World War Two

128 paged hardcovered book on German AFVs of WW2 .Packed with b & w photographs & information, a superb reference on the subject.
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Code: 1750

On Hold

Kampf und Untergang Der Deutschen Panzertruppe 1939-1945,  H .Scheibert

Kampf und Untergang Der Deutschen Panzertruppe 1939-1945, H .Scheibert

Podzun Verlag pictorial history of the German Panzer forces in WW2 by the German Panzer of the era Horst Scheibert.
302 pages of reference & b & w photographs. Hardback & dust jacket.  read more

Code: 1748

22.00 GBP

Deutsche Pionere 1939-1945  K.Vowinckel

Deutsche Pionere 1939-1945 K.Vowinckel

1970 publication printed in German on the German Pioneers ( Engineers ) with 238 pages packed full of b & w photographs & information. Hardback cover with dustjacket.
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Code: 1746


Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine Im Kampf 1939-1945 Bodo Herzog

Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine Im Kampf 1939-1945 Bodo Herzog

Excellent Podzun Verlag photographic work on the German Naval Forces in WW2 with 245 pages of photographs & information . Hardback with dust jacket.  read more

Code: 1745

18.00 GBP

Die 6.Panzer Division 1937-1945,  H Scheibert

Die 6.Panzer Division 1937-1945, H Scheibert

1975 Podzun Verlag publication on the 6.Panzer Division by H.Scheibert with many b & w photographs of personalities, troops & panzers in Poland,France,Russia Etc.
Hardback with dust jacket.  read more

Code: 1742

30.00 GBP

Die 9.Panzer Division 1939-1945 Carl Hans Hermann

Die 9.Panzer Division 1939-1945 Carl Hans Hermann

Early Podzun Verlag publication on the 9.Panzer Division by Carl Hans Hermann with many b & w photographs of Panzers & their troops in rest & action etc. Superb reference as all Podzun Verlags. .
175 paged hardbacked cover & dust jacket.  read more

Code: 1741

On Hold

Fallschirmjager Bildband Und Chronik 1939-1945 R.Bohmer & W.Haupt

Fallschirmjager Bildband Und Chronik 1939-1945 R.Bohmer & W.Haupt

1971 German Verlag publication being in German with English translation of the German Fallschirmjager in all theatres with 280 pages of b & w photographs & reference. Hardback cover with dust jacket.  read more

Code: 1740


German Military Uniforms & Insignia 1933-1945, We 1967

German Military Uniforms & Insignia 1933-1945, We 1967

Early useful reference book on the uniforms & insignia of the German forces in WW2 .Very comprehensively packed full of line drawings of uniforms, badges ( trade , rank etc ) headgear etc. 227 pages total.
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Code: 1738

On Hold